30 Kasım 2010 Salı

Marriage Process

Marriage Process

Authorization Limit

Marriage officer; if it is municipality, president or the officer assigned for this duty, if it is village, autonomous person. City Civil Registration and Population Directorship, Civil Directorship, Turkish Consulates and Represent Offices can be authorized with marriage duty. In case one of the spouses has foreign originality, municipality marriage office and civil registry directors are authorized.

Marriage Qualification and Requirements

A man or woman who is not bound to another person's guardianship can marry if they complete 18th age. They do not need to have consent of any person. Besides;
If they complete their 17th age, they can marry with the consent of their parents/guardian.

If they complete their 16th age, they can marry with the permission of the Judge.
Judge can give permission to marry after hearing parents/guardian.
However; persons who is not capable of make decision, or persons who is 15, can not marry even if they get permission from the court.

Marriage Limitations

1. Being Relative;
a- Between upper and lower descents; between brothers/sisters, uncle, aunt and nephew/niece,
b- Even if the marriage creating "in law affinity" ends, between one of the couple and the other's upper and lower descend,
c- Between adopted and one these lower descend or his/her spouse,

2. Being married;
The person whose status is "married" according to the civil registry, can not marry again. During the application, marriage limitation will disappear in case death of the previous spouse, divorce, court decision. However, as long as these mentioned incidents is not registered into the family civil registration boards, persons can not marry again.

3. There is legal wait-term for the woman;
A woman whose marriage is null, is divorced or her husband is dead, can not marry again in 300 days. However, if woman gives birth in this 300-day period, this wait-term will no longer valid.

4. In case of being "lost";
Spouse of the missing person should wait for another marriage until the relevant court decides that their marriage is terminated.

5. If there is no health report;
Due to the General Health and Hygiene Law’s 24/4/1930 dated and 1593 serial numbered articles, with the 17/8/1931 dated and 11682 serial numbered Board of Ministry decision, Regulation of Marriage Health Check says marriage process can not be completed without the proper health examination.

6. Mental diseased persons can marry if there is no health report saying that there is no medical inconvenience against their marriage.

Required Documents in the Marriage File:

a) Two copies of marriage document.
b) Sample of Turkish ID with picture.
c) Health report from government or private health institutions.
ç) Free-will document.
d) Passport-size picture (4 pieces)
e) Civil Registry Sample or marriage license.

If you do not get health report, you are not allowed to marry.
For the marriages of persons who have mental disorder, after having health report from the board of health they are allowed to marry.

If the marriage of the couple depends on the parent’s permission, they must submit a petition showing parent’s consent during the application. If this consent petitions includes their signature, the officer should confirm the signatures. Consent petitions can only be signed before the marriage officer. By this way, the officer confirms the signatures. If one of the parents is dead, signature of the alive or of the guardian is enough. If the consent letter is signed by the guardian, court verdict is required by the marriage officer and added in to the file.

Passport size picture should be appropriate to the guidelines. You must submit four pieces pictures and you should not wear any cloth covering your face. They must be taken in last 6 months. Women’s picture with headscarf is accepted as long as their forehead, chin and face are apparent.

Civil registry samples arranged based on family registry board by the Civil Registry, show person’s full record and their marriage condition. Therefore these documents can be accepted as an evidence which shows there is no against condition for the marriage. Marriage officer asks for civil registry sample from the each applicant and attach it to the file. Couples can not marry based on the single ID card evidence.

A document arranged properly, authorized legally and including the person’s name, surname, parents name, birth date, and information about if there is no legal restraint, given by the foreign official departments for the relevant foreign originated person, is accepted as Marriage license.

In case, marriage officers believe that they are submitted false/fake documents, documents sent to the Consulate/Representment ship of the relevant country by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so as to get authorization of authenticity.

Stateless, immigrant persons and persons with failed citizenship status, should have authorization from the official departments in which their records are being kept due to the Marriage Code’s 13th article.

Original marriage licenses should be saved in the marriage files.
Marriage licenses given by the foreign departments will be processed due to the Marriage Directory’s article 20:

Procedures and Investigations During The Marriage Application

Marriage officer will receive the marriage request forms and application documents. Upon this initial step, the officer will consider if those documents were arranged properly, and if they contain correct information. If marriage license was demanded, the officer should check whether there is difference between the Turkish ID and this license. The officer will consider also age matters. If marrying persons are not at the minimum age level, the officer will search for the required permissions from parents or the court. The officer will check the Turkish ID Sample and endorse it. Then, the petition will be accepted and registered. Due to the application line, the couple will be noticed about the actual marriage date / time for ceremony.

Advertising is not required to implement the marriage.

Marriage Permit Document

At the end of file investigation, if there is no obstacle for the marriage and they submit all required documents, couples are given their declaration form as signed and authorized upon their demand.
Couples having this type of document can marry without arranging such a marriage file in or outside of Turkey.
The document is valid for 6 months. Expiration date should be specified on the document. The married couple who used this document during the marriage should notify marriage office in 15 days.

Refusal of Marriage

Marriage officer can refuse to continue marriage process if any obstacle determinated after evaluation of the spouse’s file due to the Marriage Directory’s article 15. The spouse notified about the reason immediately. Marriage can not be completed unless spouses prove the obstacle reason is irrelevant or it is not exist. If the obstacle reason is because of a missing procedure in the civil registry board of the family, the marriage process can not be completed unless this procedure is complete.

Marriage Duty and Authority in Abroad

If the local law accepts the authority of marriage process of Turkish Consulate, marriage authority is given to the Turkish Embassy in abroad.
Honorary consuls do not have authority for marriage process.

Marriage by a Foreign Authority

Turkish citizens living outside of Turkey, or one Turkish citizen and one foreign origin person can marry before the foreign country marriage officers. This type of marriage is valid unless it has a condition which is inconsistent with Turkish Civil Law and unless there is no reason for the marriage to be null.

These types of marriages should be declared to the closest Turkish Consulate or Represent Office in maximum in 30 days with the official marriage document which is taken from the foreign institution. Foreign Turkish Represent Office should arrange the marriage document properly and then sent it to the civil registry directorships.

Marriage declaration in case if there is no Foreign Represent Office in that country, or if a declaration is not made to the Represent Office; marriage document issued by the foreign officers should be translated into Turkish by the certified sworn translator and should be sent to the civil registry directorship.

Marriage of Foreigners in Turkey

In Turkey, one Turkish citizen and a foreigner, or persons from different foreign countries can only marry before a Turkish officer.
Persons from the same country can marry in their own country’s Consulate or represent office as long as their national civil law allows them to marry outside of their country. Besides, they can marry before the Turkish marriage officers.
If foreigner’s marriage demand is accepted by the Turkish marriage office, Turkish Civil Law’s conditions apply to foreigners as if they are Turkish citizen.

Marriage of Stateless Persons or Person Who Has No Clear Citizenship

Marriage requests of stateless persons, refugees, persons whose citizenship status is not clear, accepted by the marriage officers.
Their marriage ability status will be checked due to the relevant foreign registries and civil registries if available. They can be given marriage license issued by the General Directorate.

Marriage Contract and Its Method

Spouses, who want to marry, should apply to the Marriage Office located in one of their residence town. However, they are in different cities, or one of them is in abroad, they can apply separately. In this case, separate Marriage Offices should correspond to each other about the situation and share information.
In both Marriage Offices, all required documents get prepared and combined in one single file. Then, this file will be sent to the Marriage Office where the final process takes place.
Turkish citizens residing in a village or town and wants to marry with a foreign origin person can apply to the marriage offices in their central city or county municipalities or county civil registry directorate.

Application by a Represent
Person who intended to marry, can hire a legal represent to follow marriage process.
For this purpose, the person should arrange special power of attorney paper. This paper should include identity of legal represent and spouse and purpose of this paper must be written on it.

Method in Application
You can apply by submitting the properly arranged and signed “marriage statement”. One of the spouses or their legal represents can make the application.
If both spouses are ready during the application, the marriage officer can confirm the signatures of both people.
If one the spouse is not present during the application, but his/her signature is already on the application form, the signature on the declaration form should be authorized by the district autonomous person or notary public. If marrying person who is not present during the application is worker or an officer, his/her signature should be authorized by their superior chief.
Spouses are required to submit photo identification. Otherwise their application will not be accepted.
The application can also be verbal. In this case, verbal application before the marrying officer should be transferred into declaration paper then signed by the spouses. Marriage officers authorize these signatures.
Marriage declarations should be written otherwise process will not start.

Handicapped Persons (unable sign)
If one of the marrying persons is not able to sign the document, finger print of forefinger of the left hand is taken to where the signature required. If the person carries a stamp, this stamp is also applied. If the persons do not have forefinger on the left hand, finger print order; thumb, middle finger, ring finger and pinkie finger. If the left hand does not carry any finger, finger print of the existing finger is taken according to the given order. If there is no left hand, same order applied for the right hand and this circumstance is explained on the report then finally signed by the marriage officer and authorized with the stamp.

Hear-impaired person’s expression of their marriage means expression of their willpower. During the application and also during the ceremony, process completed with help of translators who understands those special language of hear-impaired person. Those translators should also sign the documents.

Objection to Marriage, Method and Term

While preparing marriage file, relevant persons can declare that the couple has no ability for marriage, and can express the reasons not to marry until 17:00 on the last day before the ceremony day.
Objections made on the ceremony day will not be accepted.
If there is objection reason other than regular ones, this reason should be specified in the petition and applicant’s identification, address and signature should be placed on the documentation.
If objection is based on one of the marriage obstacles, documents about this issue should be attached to the petition, or at least, convincing information must be supplied to support this proposition.

Marriage office notifies both spouses about the objections made relevant to the regular protocol in 24 hours. The marriage office requires an answer in 10 days, and demand documents proving the condition does not exist. If it is required, the can correspond with other government departments. The office reexamines the file after the answers arrived or at the end of the given term;
1-If it is understood that the objection is proper, the office refuses to continue marriage process then notifies the spouses.
2-If it is found that the objection is not true or the objection reason is disappeared based on a legal verdict, the marriage officer refuses the objection. The result is sent to the demurrer and to the spouses then marriage process continues.
If the demurer submits a verdict about the marriage process discontinued and a document that is saying “refusal of marriage” lawsuit started, from the court in 10 days, marriage process will be stopped till the end of the lawsuit.

Objection Authority of Republic Prosecutor
Until the marriage complete, republic Prosecutors can object the marriage process if there is any one of the absolute nullity.
If the denouncement made to republic prosecutor about the marriage is found serious, marriage office is notified about the situation. Marriage officer investigate the claim according to the protocols and base Marriage Regulations article 24, if the marriage officer thinks that the claim is not proper for the condition, republic prosecutor notified about the condition and then continue the marriage process. If the republic prosecutor is not notified about the lawsuit of refusal of the marriage in ten days, marriage is completed. And the justified result is sent to the republic prosecutor.

Marriage Ceremony Process in the Business Hours
Marriage ceremonies conducted during the day time work hours. However, due to the spouses’ preferences, marriage ceremonies can be held in the special place or hall on weekends or out of business hours or in official holidays.

Ceremony Area
It is essential that the marriage ceremonies take place in the specially designated official buildings or places. However, upon the freewill of the spouses;
1 – In residences, special buildings or halls,
2 – For the arrested persons or prisoners, in prison or correction houses upon the permission of the Republic Prosecutor,
3 – For patients, in hospitals upon the permission of the chief doctor.

Official marriage ceremony is not allowed to happen in the special places that do not allow the persons express their freewill and does not fit the meaning of the marriage. In this case, marriage officer postpones the marriage.

Publicity, Protocol and Format in Marriage
Marriage process takes place before the authorized marriage office and at least two witnesses and spouses themselves in public.
Absence of guests does not mean that the marriage process happened overtly.
Marriage can not takes place with power of authority.

The marriage officer asks to the spouse separately whether they want to marry or not in front of the witnesses and guests at a place and on a specific time previously specified. Upon their positive answer, and upon the witnesses’ confirmation, the officer gets the marriage board signed by all the parties and declares aloud that this process is legal. Then, the officer signs the board after adding date and time.
Hear impaired persons can answer with sign-language. Marriage officer, if it is required, can demand assistance of a person translating the sign language before the marriage. In this situation, spouses should have assistant translator. If hear-impaired spouses know reading and writing, their declarations can be accepted in writing.
If foreign origin spouses do not know Turkish, marriage officer can use a translator from where recognized by the Turkish Republic. This translator must be invited to the ceremony place by the spouses.

Requirements of Witness
To be eligible to witness in a legal process, you should be an adult, and should be able to make decision, besides, you should have known the person who you want to witness about him/herself. The witness gives testimony about the freewill of the persons who want to marry, confirms the truth of the identification of the person and marriage process is completed.

In Case of Officers Being Chary
If the marriage officer notices a refusing posture on one of the marrying couple during the ceremony, the officer can postpone the marriage ceremony.

Registration of Marriage into the Marriage Board
Marriage process is registered into the “Marriage Board” by the officer and signed by the husband, wife, witnesses and officer. Therefore, marriage process completes.

Declaration of the Marriage to the Civil Registry Directorship and Registration into the Family Board
Civil Registry Directorate should be notified with the properly arranged marriage declaration form about the marriages processed by the Turkish officials in Turkey in ten days after the marriage.

Marriage process carried out by the Consulates or Represent Offices outside of Turkey, should be declared to the Civil Registry Directorate in 30 days after the marriage.

Marriages carried out by the foreign institutions outside Turkey, declared to the civil registry directorships as long as properly arranged marriage declaration form is submitted in 30 days.

Surname Basics about the Bride
Marrying woman takes her husband’s surname. Woman should declare in a written petition that she wants to use her own surname together with her husband’s surname during the marriage process. If she did not notice during the marriage process, she can apply to the Civil Registry Directorship to be able to use her own surname next to her husband’s surname. After registration of maiden name, if she want to use only her husband’s surname, this could only possible with court verdict. Demand about the surname could be only once. Wife, who is carrying two surnames before the marriage, now can only have one of these.

Process Followed by Person Holding Foreign Citizenship
Foreign origin persons who get marry before the Turkish Authorized Officers will be given a family marriage book and upon their request they will be given multilingual marriage certificate.
If this couple is a citizen of a country which is member of International Personal Rights Status Commission, proper form arranged and sent to the civil registry directorship where the couple born according to the act of number 3 international information exchange in 1958.

Republic Prosecutor Must be Noticed about Some Marriages

At the end of the first investigation on the marriage declaration sent to the Civil Registry Directorship; upon the understanding that the marriage is not completed in the presence of lawfully authorized officers, and upon the detection of one of the spouses is already married with someone else, or if there is relativeness between the couple which prohibits the marriage due to the Turkish Civil Law’s article 129, the marriage is registered into the family board and the situation will be reported to the Republic Prosecutor by the Civil Registry Directorship.

Penalty Sentences
A married person apply for another marriage, a single person who apply for a marriage with a married person, applying for a marriage with a false identity, committing religious marriage ceremony with no official process and without having official confirmation of marriage committing religious ceremony. Those persons charged according to the 5237 serial numbered Turkish Penalty Law’s article 230 by the Republic Chief Prosecutor.

Asset Regulations in Marriage

Official Asset Regulation
It is primary to apply joint asset regulation to the assets that have had together by the spouses.

Spouses could prefer one of the following principles specified in the law: "distinction of asset", "Asset distinction regulation with share" and "asset share regulation".

Asset Regulation Contract
Asset regulation contract can be arranged before and after the marriage. Parties can choose, alter or dismiss the regulation only between the limitations specified by the law.
This regulation contract can be arranged before the notary public. During the marriage application, parties can declare the type of regulation they choose in a written petition.

It is required to be signed off by the legal represents in case it is mandatory.
Marriage officers do not have to invite spouses to speak aloud about which principle they prefer. It does not prohibit the marriage if the spouses do not express their asset regulation preference. Marriage officers may accept spouses' choice in place of one of the three multiple choices.

Marriage officers can not accept any other agreement which is not supported by the law. In this case, spouses can apply to the notary public

Repeal, Cancellation and Nullity of Marriage

After authorized by the court of first instance, marriage union ends this is called cancellation, nullity and repeal of the marriage.

www.ofistercume.com can help you in each step of this process at reasonable price.

29 Kasım 2010 Pazartesi

Turkish Citizenship Process

Turkish Citizenship Process

1- To apply Turkish Citizenship, I need to learn about requirements mentioned in 5901 Serial Numbered Turkish Citizenship Law, how can I find it?

Requirements mentioned in the relevant law can found in the link: www.nvi.gov.tr

2- I want to apply for The Turkish Citizenship. Where do I have to visit?

If you are residing in Turkey, you can apply the City Governorship, if you are living out of Turkey, you apply Turkish Consulate / represent office in person (or a legal represent). In-mail applications will not be accepted.

3- Can I track my application documents whether they are gone to the Civil Registration and Population General Directorship?

You may have further information from the Public Relations Branch department in Civil Registry General Directorship.

4- Can I learn my citizenship application file number?

You may have further information from the Public Relations Branch department in Civil Registry General Directorship.

5- I have already applied to Turkish Citizenship, how can I track the status of my application.

You can follow your application status by entering your file number or identity information in to this web site www.nvi.gov.tr

6- How long does it take to earn Turkish Citizenship?

If you submit all required documents on time, you process will be finished in a regular time. However, if there is missing document or information about you or your process, finishing term depends how soon you will submit those missing information.

7- Can I have the notification about the finishing the citizenship application process by visiting in person?

You will be informed after your process is complete by the application office.

8- Which documents are required for earning/losing Turkish citizenship by right based on law or by right to choose?

You can get information from this link Citizenship Services

9- Is it possible to earn Turkish citizenship bound to a parent holdin Turkish citizenship?

Due to the Turkish Citizenship Law's article 403, persons who is child of a Turkish mother or father earns Turkish Citizenship right. Upon their application, if it is proven that one of their parents are Turkish Citizen, they earn Turkish Citizenship. If their application is complete and there is no missing document, application process will be complete in a reasonable period of time. Otherwise, missing documents will be requested from the relevant institutions and official departments therefore process time takes longer.

10- Is it possible to earn Turkish Citizenship by means of a marriage with a Turkish Citizen?

Foreigners who are married with a Turkish Citizen for 3 years, and their marriage still continues, have right to apply for the Turkish Citizenship. Upon the application, there will be an investigation and finally eligible persons earn Turkish Citizenship. If they are not eligible, the application will be refused.

11- Is it possible to hold dual citizenship while one of them is already Turkish Citizenship?

Upon your application, in case you meet the requirements of holding a foreign citizenship, you would be given permission to hold a foreign citizenship as long as you hold your Turkish Citizenship.

12- Which documents are required for the Turkish Citizenship application?

You may have information from this link: Earning Turkish Citizenship

13- The status of the children less than 18 but they will be adult during the application waiting time.

Children under 18, who are investigated with the tie to their parents, must be declared to the Civil Registry Directorship in case they turn to 18 so as to open a citizenship file in their own name.

14- What can I do to complete the application process in a reasonable time?

You need to send notifications after your application date about address change, resident permit renewal, birth of a child. Those notifications should include a petition, copy of your document.

15- My Citizenship application refused. Can I re-apply again?

You can apply again by visiting the City Governorship where you live due to the 5901 serial numbered Turkish Citizenship Law.

16- To gain Turkish Citizenship again where do I have to apply and which documents do I need?

Person, who wants to re-apply to the Turkish Citizenship, must apply to the City Governorship where they live. If persons live out side of Turkey, they must apply to the Turkish consulates or represent offices by visiting in person. Then, his file should be sent to our ministry.

Person, who wants their Turkish Citizenship back, should prepare a file including the documents below:

a) Petition to express your request.

b) Civil registry sample taken from the registry system by the department you applied.

c) A document such as passport or etc. which is showing person’s originality. If the person is stateless, he/she should submit any similar document that could be found.

d) A document representing the person’s martial status.

e) A document about the change in the person’s martial status after he/she loses the Turkish citizenship.

f) If the person is married, a civil registry sample or similar document which is showing the person’s spouse and children’s family ties.

g) If there is change in the personal information, a document showing those changes.

h) A receipt proving the service fee is already paid.

17- To earn Turkish citizenship how long do I need to live in Turkey? During this process, how long can I stay out of Turkey?

You are required to reside in Turkey with no interference due to the 5901 Serial Numbered Turkish Citizenship Law’s article 11 and article (b) of the Guideline about application of this law. However, residence term for the Turkish origin foreigners is being applied as two years until 31 December 2010. If there is interference more than 6 months during this term, residence term is cut.

18- How do I apply to earn Turkish Citizenship in a special condition?

5901 serial numbered Turkish Citizenship Law’s article 12 is about earning Turkish Citizenship exceptionally. In the said article, the application process of exceptional Turkish Citizenship is not arranged specially.

19- What is reason for refusal of foreigners who applied for Turkish Citizenship and already residing in Turkey for study, temporary residence, tourism, company to their child, immigration purposes?

5901 serial numbered Turkish Citizenship Law’s article 11 and row c of part 2nd of article 12 about the implementation this law, says the application of persons “with no official residential address; or legal but do not show intention of staying in Turkey; or is not accepted and this written notification” is sent to this person. Following person’s application will not be accepted: refugees, students, tourists, accompany of a student, patient, foreign mission personnel who are bound to a residential address with such a reason: receiving identification card. And they will be notified with written corresponding. To be able to apply for a citizenship, first of all, reason for residential permit should be changed (residential, work, accompany next to Turkish parents and etc.). In case of the change of the reason for residential permit, previous stays gets included into the residential term (except visit as tourist).

20- Where do I get the resident permit?

You can have your resident permit from the City Central Police Station where you reside, or Security General Directorship in Ankara.

21- How do I receive the name equivalency document?

If persons who demand equivalency document do not carry their former name on the civil registry board, they should submit their signed petitions to the General Directorship. If they have immigration document, they should add one of the sample to their petition.

22- Is it possible to have Turkish Citizenship again after being dismissed from it?

A person, who is expelled from the Turkish Citizenship, could be accepted into the Turkish Citizenship again due to the 5901 serial numbered Turkish Citizenship Law’s article 13 and 14.

23- Can I use my blue card as a Turkish ID?

Blue Card can not be used as if it is a Turkish ID, passport or ID card. Upon the request of the institutions it should be submitted along with the foreign ID card.

24- My surname has changed, how can I make this change on my blue card?

For the person (and his/her children processed together in the past) who has Turkish Citizenship from the birth, later lost his/her citizenship with an citizenship dropping permission, a blue card can be arranged based on the civil registries. Changes in the personal information after dropping Turkish citizenship are ignored.

www.ofistercume.com will assist you during this process when you need sworn translator for your documents taken from your original country.

Yabancı Diploma Denkliğinde Ön Lisans ve Lisans Denklik Başvurularında İstenilen Belgeler

Ön Lisans ve Lisans Denklik Başvurularında İstenilen Belgeler

  1. Lise diplomasının ya da mezuniyet belgesinin aslı veya onaylı sureti ve fotokopisi,
  2. Yurtdışından alınan lise diplomaları için diplomanın aslı veya onaylı kopyası ve fotokopisi,
  3. Yurtdışındaki Eğitim Ateşelikleri veya Eğitim Müşavirliklerinden, yurt içinde İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüklerinden alınacak Lise Denklik Belgesinin aslı ve fotokopisi, (orta öğrenimlerini yurt dışında tamamlayanlar için aşağıda 10. maddede belirtilen belgelerin hiçbiri aranmaz.) ,
  4. Ön Lisans veya Lisans diplomasının ya da mezuniyet belgesinin aslı ile noter veya yurtdışındaki Dış Temsilciliklerimizce onaylı Türkçe tercümesi ve fotokopisi,
  5. Önlisans veya lisans öğrenimi süresi içinde alınmış olan tüm derslerin notlarını ve ders saatlerini gösteren not çizelgesi (official transcript) aslı ile noter veya yurtdışındaki Büyükelçiliklerimizce onaylı Türkçe tercümesi ve fotokopisi,
  6. Mezun olunan yükseköğretim kurumuna başka bir yüksek öğretim kurumundan transfer olunmuş ise transfer olunan yükseköğretim kurumunun transkript aslı ile noter veya yurtdışındaki Dış Temsilciliklerimizce onaylı türkçe tercümesi ve fotokopisi,
  7. Nüfus cüzdanı fotokopisi,
  8. Diploma sahibine ait pasaport aslı ve giriş-çıkış tarihlerinin ayrıca işlem gören sayfaların açıkca görüleceği şekilde okunaklı fotokopisi veya Büyükelçiliklerimizce ya da noterce onaylanmış ve giriş-çıkış tarihlerinin ve işlem gören sayfaların görüleceği şekilde okunaklı pasaport örneği.
  9. KKTC de bulunan üniversitelerden mezun olanlar için KKTC Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Muhaceret Müdürlüğü ve T.C. Emniyet Genel Müdürlüklerinde temin edecekleri giriş-çıkış bilgilerini gösterir belgeler,
  10. ÖSS Kılavuzunda yer alan ülkelerin kılavuzda yer alan programlarına ÖSYM tarafından yerleştirilerek mezun olanlar,ve orta öğrenimlerini Türkiye'de tamamlayıp KKTC 'de bulunan üniversiteler ile 1999 yılından itibaren ÖSS Kılavuzunda yer almayan ülkelerde bulunan üniversitelerden yüksek öğrenime başlayarak mezun olanlardan,öğrenime başladıkları yıl itibarıyla ÖSS sonuç belgesi ya da SAT (en az 1000 puan), ACT (en az 21 puan ) , Abitur , Fransız Bakaloryası, GCE A Level Sertifikası (en az 2 ders ) , Uluslararası Bakalorya (IB) ve matura belgelerinden herhangi birine sahip olanlar için bu belgelerin ibrazı,
  11. Yabancı uyrukluların denklik belgesine neden ihtiyaç duyduklarını gösterir belge aslı ve fotokopisi,
  12. 26 x 35 cm. ebatlarında bir adet zarf .
  13. T.C. kimlik numarası. (Nüfus cüzdanında mutlaka yazmalıdır)
  14. TOEFL sonuç belgesi ibraz etmesi gereken başvuru sahiplerinin ETS'ye başvurarak kurulumuza Toefl sonucu belgesinin resmi kopyasını gönderilmesini sağlamalarını gerekmektedir.
  15. Bulgaristan Başvuruları İçin Yapılması Gerekenler: Diploma - Transkript ve akademik belge aslı ile diploma - Transkript ve akademik belgenin Bulgaristan'daki herhangi bir yeminli tercüman tarafından tercüme edilmesi ve noter tastikli olması gereklidir. Yukarıda belirtilen belgelerin Bulgaristan milli eğitim bakanlığı ve Bulgaristan dış işleri bakanlığı, sağlık birimi alanından mezun olanların ayrıca sağlık bakanlığı tarafından imza ve mühür onaylı olması gerekmektedir.Bu işlemleri yaptıktan sonra başvuru formunda istenilen belgelerin tamamlanması gerekmektedir.
  16. Yabancı uyruklu olup daha sonra T.C. vatandaşlığına geçen ilgililerin "İçişleri Bakanlığı Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü ve il müdürlüklerinden alacakları iki isminde aynı kişiye ait olduğunu kanıtlayan belge ibraz etmeleri gerekmektedir.

Belgeler Tamamlandıktan Sonra Müracaat Yeri
ELDEN: Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı Genel Evrak Birimi-BİLKENT/ANKARA
POSTA YOLUYLA: Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı 06539-BİLKENT/ANKARA

www.ofistercume.com transkript ve diploma çevirilerinizde çok uygun fiyatla yardımcı olabilir. Bu çeviriler noter onaylı ve yeminli tercüman kaşeli olmak zorundadır.

23 Kasım 2010 Salı

Civil Registry Correction and Change

Registration Correction


This is a correction or change of registration of a person located in the family registry board.

Declaration Liability and Term

The court order for this registry change should be sent to the county civil registration directorship by the chief clerk in 10 days after the court verdict date.

Method and Authorized Court

If there is no solid mistake during transferring the information in the base documents to the family registry board; any change or correction in the registry board of a family, can only be with the proper court verdict due to the Turkish Civil Registry Law’s 39th article.

Registry correction lawsuit about a single article can only be applied once.
The authorized court is the court of first instance in where the relevant person resides.
Religious section on the ID is registered, changed, erased or left empty due to the written demand of the family. Number of change in the religious section is not limited.

If an age correction is required because of a criminal court, the main court has authority over this change.

Authority to Bring an Action

Lawsuits about the civil registry correction will be held in the civil courts of general jurisdiction in where the residential address located by the Republic Prosecutors. In the Civil Registry Correction lawsuits, Republic Prosecutor and Civil Registry Director or an officer assigned by the Director will be ready and the verdict issued before them.

Appellation of a Verdict

General Directorship and Civil Registry Directorships are authorized to take all legal actions about the court verdicts.

All verdicts which are to be appellated must be submitted to the Republic Prosecutorship.

Principles of Registration of The Verdicts About Registry Correction

Principals about registration of correction verdict are shown below:

  1. If the man is changing his surname; without looking for an explanation in the verdict, his wife, his children under 18 and his surname will be changed or corrected.
  2. If the woman is changing her surname; her children who are out of a marriage and her surname will be changed or corrected in the same name.
  3. If the person who get corrected his/her name, has children; their names also get corrected or changed without looking for a court verdict.
    If the children had gone from the registry for any reason before the change, the required correction in the children’s registry will be made by the authorizing civil registry directorship to the registry board that the children is in currently.
  4. If the person who is correcting his birth date, name, surname is already in his age suitable for serving military duty; all changes will be submitted to the local military recruitment office.
  5. Changing the birth date with the court order;
    • Old day and month is registered with the new specified year by the relevant court if day and month information is saved or is not taken into consideration to change,
    • If birth date is registered in the family board with no month and day information, it is possible to add day and month information due to the Civil Service Law’s article 39.
  6. In the gender lawsuits, requirements will be taken into consideration in the Civil Law’s article 40.

Registration of Correction Verdict

The two registry correction copies sent by the court clerk should be registered into the family board.

Ofis Translation Services can assist you in all official process at reasonable prices. Please visit our web site for more information.

3 Kasım 2010 Çarşamba

Government Regulation for The Turkish Student Passport

Government Regulation for The Turkish Student Passport

1) For the primary and high school students:

It is possible designate a student passport with no any duty upon submitting the ID photocopy and documents arranged by the Treasury Branch (or directorship, office) in your city. The Treasury Branch officers will ask you to bring approval from the Governorship of your city. This approval should include following information: the applicant's name, start date of the passport, duration of the passport. Definitely, all official documents must carry stamp, signature and authorizing officer's name.

2) For the university students:

a) Students continuing their education in Turkey:

Students continuing their education in Turkey must have document from the Rectoship/Deanship/School Management etc.. The document should include following information: the applicant's name, start date of the passport, duration of the passport. Then, they should apply to the Treasury Brances/Tax Offices by adding photocopy of ID.

b) Students continuing their education in abroad:

If a student demand passport from any Turkish Consulate General/Representship, they must submit a document proving that they are the student of the relevant university. Photocopy of htir ID and student ID should be submitted.

In case, student continuing their education in abroad, however, he/she demands passport in Turkey, they must submit a document proving that they are the student of the relevant university. Photocopy of their ID and student ID, approval from the R.T. Consulates/Education Representmentship, the document issued by the university management proving that he/she is student at the institution should be submitted to the Treasury Branch/Tax Office/ Directorate in your city.

c) Students planning to enroll a university located outside Turkey:

1- Students placed in a university/program included by The ÖSYS Undergraduate / Graduate Programs and Contingent Book:

Students, who are placed in the programs and institutions specified in the ÖSYS Guide and demand a passport with no duty, should submit ÖSS Exam Result paper, ID photocopy, proof document about his/her education in a foreign institution. They must apply to the R.T. Consulates / Education Representmentship and they are the authorized places to issue passport with no duty dee.

Persons (placed in the programs and institutions specified in the ÖSYS Guide) who are continuing their education abroad, and demands passport in Turkey, should submit ÖSS Exam Result paper, ID photocopy and an approval document designated by an officer from the Tax Office Directorate / Treasury Branch /. This approval document must include person's name, effective date, duration date, approving person's name, stamp and signature.

2- Students placed in a university/program is not included by The ÖSYS Undergraduate / Graduate Programs and Contingent Book:

Students who are accepted by a program/university which is not included by the ÖSYS higher education programs and contignents guide, should submit proof document that they are accepted by the institution (original document or apostil authorized), ID phtocopy. They apply to R.T. Consulates / Education Representmentship and are able to have a passport with no duty-fee.

Students who are continuing their education abroad, can aplly for non-duty-fee passport . If they are accepted by a program/university which is not included by the ÖSYS higher education programs and contignents guide, they should submit proof document that they are accepted by the institution (translated into Turkish by a sworn translator and apostil authorized), ID phtocopy. approval document designated by an officer from the Tax Office Directorate / Treasury Branch /. They can apply to Passport Department with the document which must include person's name, effective date, duration date, approving person's name, stamp and signature.

www.ofistercume.com can help you during your application process for the passport, you may required to translate some of your documents taken from your origin country.

Divorce Process in Turkey

Divorce Process

Wait Term for the Law / Family Civil Registry Board

Divorce is the end of the marriage upon the given court verdict.

Divorce date is the issue date of court verdict. If there is divorce verdict from the foreign courts, the definitive divorce date is taken as issue date of this foreign verdict. Turkish courts' recognization and approval date is counted as foreign court's divorce date.

Beginning of the Legal Waiting Term

300-day long legal wait term of the woman starts as of the divorce verdict date.

Registration of the Divorce into the Family Registry Board

Divorce decision is arranged in two copies by the court chief clerk and then sent to the civil registry directorship to be registered into the family registration board.

Condition of the Divorced Wife

Surname and House to Return after Divorce

Registry of "divorced wife" who was already registered into her former husband's registry board, gets closed and it will be moved back to the first registry board. She takes her maiden name back.

If the widow-wife gets divorced, she will be moved back to her previous registry board and she can have her maiden name back if she is allowed to have it by the court.

If the court lets the wife to carry her husband’s surname, wife goes back to the place where she was registered before the marriage with her husband’s surname. Her registry in this place is regenerated back.

Thoughts about the court’s verdict are written into the civil registry board upon the filling out the VGF-40 form.

House to Return for the Adopted Wife after Divorce

Incase of the divorce of a woman who is adopted, following official steps will be followed:

a) Due to the 743 serial numbered Turkish Civil Law’s article, if the wife was adopted; she goes back to the registration house of the person who adopted her with adopting person’s surname or her husband’s surname as she was permitted to do so by the court.

In case of divorce of a woman married while she was widow or divorce of a woman who is adopted due to the 743 serial numbered Turkish Civil Law’s article, she goes back to the household of the adopting person, and if the court let her to carry her divorcing husband’s surname, she can go back there with her husband’s surname.

b) Due to the 4721 serial numbered Turkish Civil Law’s article, if the wife was adopted;

1 With her maiden name,

2 In the court verdict, if there is a command saying that the person can have the surname of the adopting guardian, registered with guardian’s surname,

3 If the court let her to carry her husband’s surname, with her husband’s surname,

Registered and goes back to adopting guardian’s civil board.

Divorce of a woman who was widowed before the marriage, and a woman who is adopted while she is married, due to the 4721 serial numbered code of Turkish Civil Law;

1 With her maiden name,

2 In the court verdict about the adopting, if there is a command that is saying she can have surname of the adopting guardian, with the surname of guardian,

3 If the court let her to carry her husband’s surname, with her husband’s surname,

Registered and goes back to adopting guardian’s civil board, then she goes back to adopting guardian’s registry board.

Divorce of a Recognized Wife

During the process of divorce of a recognized married wife, following steps will be followed:
If the court let her to carry her husband’s surname together with her recognized father’s surname, she can go back to her father’s registry place with her husband’s surname.

In case divorce of a woman marrying while she is widow or being recognized while she is recognized due to the 743 serial numbered Turkish Civil Law; she goes back to the her father’s registry board with recognizing father’s surname. If the court let her carry her husband’s surname, she goes back to her father’s registry board with her husband’s surname.

Divorce of a Wife Previously Holding Foreign Citizenship

In case of a divorce of a woman who earns Turkish Citizenship with her husband together, or earns with a marriage of a Turkish Citizen then registers in her husband’s registry board; she is registered under same family board with the next new family serial number and with the surname specified at the court’s verdict. If the court verdict does not carry a surname for her or divorce verdict is issued by a foreign court then recognized in Turkey, her maiden name is registered. However, her maiden name is not found, and divorced woman’s application is inconsistent, she is registered with her husband’s surname at the family board.

In case it is proven that the relevant person does not have a surname; an appropriate surname is assigned by the city governor upon the written request of the woman.

Personal Condition of a Divorced Wife
After the divorce, wife gets her maiden name back. If wife was widow before the marriage, she can ask for a permission to have her maiden name after the divorce.

If continuing usage of the husband's surname will benefit wife, and this situation will not harm the husband's reputation, wife can continue to use her husband's surname with her freewill.

If conditions change, husband may demand to lift this right of use.

Cancellation of a Divorce

Registration of the Verdicts about Divorce

In case of cancellation of the divorce, woman's registry will be moved to her husband's board of registry. Wife will get her husband's family name. If "wife" wants, she can use her maiden name before her husband's family name.

Chief clerk of the court arranges two copies of sample divorce cancellation verdict and send it the civil registry directorship. Then, this report will be registered into the family's registry board.

In case of divorce cancellation of a Turkish and foreign citizen, the cancellation verdict will be registered into the registry board of spouse who is Turkish. Both persons will be back to their status before the divorce.

Ofis Tercüme Hizmetleri may help you for all kinds of transation needs. In these type of official process, you are required to submit translations from the sworn notary public translators. For more information, please log on to our web site.