Official Process After Birth
For the births bound to the marriage, the baby will be registered with the father's surname in the household of father; for the births out of the marriage, the baby will be registered into the mother's household with the maiden surname and with the declared father name (if the fatherhood is recognized and/or judged).
Mandatory Declaration and Required Term
For the all births alive, if you are in Turkey, you need to declare the birth in 30 days (to civil registry directorship). If you are out of the Turkey, you need to declare the birth in 60 days (to closest Turkish Consulate General).
Declaration Way
Birth declaration can be in both submitting birth report and in verbal declaration. For birth declarations out of the Turkey, official documents or birth report should be submitted to Turkish Consulate General or those documents taken from the foreign health organization should be translated into Turkish and then, those documents, identity information of the family, registration sample, a petition including the name of the baby should be given to the local Civil Registry Directorate.
Why Mandatory
Declaration; parents (mom, dad), custodian, guardian can make this. If they are not existing, grand parents or adult sisters/brothers can make this declaration.
The persons counted above are responsible for declaration of the births taking places in maternity hospitals, hospitals, prisons, correction houses, public transportation vehicles.
Teenager person who is full 15 years old can declare the baby with the consent of her/his guardian. Or, if he/she is regarded as an adult by the court, he/she can make the declaration. If he/she is not regarded as an adult, the appointed guardian can make the declaration. However; if the mother is not an adult, and the baby is not declared in the legal duration, relatives who are taking care of the baby or village autonomous can make the declaration so as to register the baby into the mother's registry board.
Legal represents can make the declaration in the name of their principal.
Managers and directors of orphanage, care houses for children are responsible for all birth declarations to city or county civil registry directorships.
County civil registry directors, if they learn about neglected declaration of a child birth older than one year; they are authorized to issue a notice to the children’s parents, guardians, second degree relatives, or their children for the birth declaration.
Official Birth Report
When a birth declaration is made to the county civil registry directorship, the officer arranges three copies of birth report. Declaring person’s name, surname, birth date and address information should be included by the declaration form. And, this form read loud the declaring person himself to make sure there is no mistake. If there is no mistake, this form signed by the declaring person, arranging officer, chief officer and registry director.
You can not make any erosion, alteration over the declaration forms.
Registering Birth into the Family Civil Registry Board
Children under 6 Years Old
Birth declarations of the children older than one-month and younger than 72-month, the office arranges birth report and adds the defense petition why declaration is late relevant to the normal declaration term.
Childs between 6 and 18 Years Old
While making declaration for the children between those ages [(72 months + 1 day) and 18 years old (216 ay)], children should visit the civil registry directorship for the age determination. The officer arranges the age determination form after seeing the child. Form should be signed by the registry officer, chief or the director then should be sent to health institution. A birth report will be arranged due to the age determination form, and then explanation will be added.
Failed Declarations
After the end of the official declaration term, during the determination of the children less than 6 years old, testify of their parents are essential. If the child is full six years old, child should be brought to the civil registry directorship so that age determination can be carried on. If any birth report has been submitted, it is not necessary to maintain age determination.
Registration of Found or Retarded Children
Registration of the children, who can not express themselves because of their handicapped situation or their small ages, is based on the report which is arranged by the security officers and will be carried out by the civil registry directorships.
Legal guardians of the retarded persons who are older than 18, is obliged to declare. Those guardians should be appointed by the court. The declaration should be with the health report taken from the first degree government hospital and directly to the civil registry directorship.
The reports which is designed for the persons mentioned, do not include birth date, name, surname, mother and father name, civil registry directorship will assign those missing information. A birth date will be considered by the official health institution.
Deaths before Registration
Born healthy, but dead before the registration; the death reports will be accepted by the civil registry directorships. Due to the information in the death report, birth report will be arranged and both reports will be registered into the family board accordingly.
Declarations about dead-birth babies will not be accepted.
Specifying Citizenship of Declared Children
Children who have a Turkish father earn Turkish citizenship after their birth in a marriage. These children are registered into the father’s registry board due to the properly arranged birth reports. If these children born outside of Turkey or their mother have a foreign origin, this does not prevent these children to be a Turkish citizen.
Children Born on the outside of a Legal Marriage;
1. By itself; due to the Turkish Civil Law’s article 292, marriage of father and mother.
2. By determining the breed relation by the court; due to the Turkish Civil Law’s article 301, upon the demand of the mother or child.
3. By the breed dependence of Turkish citizen father, due to the Turkish Civil Law’s article 295, child becomes Turkish Citizen after birth. Child registered into the civil registry board with father’s surname by means of a properly arranged birth report. A connection made between the mother about the breed relation and relevant explanation made on the report.
Turkish Mother
A child born in or out of Turkey from a Turkish citizen mother will be considered as Turkish citizen since their birth. The children of these persons will be registered into the mother’s registry board if they are part of a legal marriage. However, if they are out of legal marriage, they will be registered into their mother’s singleness registry.
Birth in Abroad
Arranging Birth Reports
In case, any document is being submitted from the foreign institution during the birth declaration, three copies of birth certificate will be arranged. In the certificate, such an explanation should be placed that; Arranged based on the given by the “......”, ..... dated and ..... serial document”. Special place for the declared person should be filled, and make sure that testified person signed the document. If this document is arranged in abroad, it must be in the Turkish Consulate, signed, stamped and authorized.
If there is no Turkish Represent office in where the declaration is supposed to be made; official reports about the marriage should be translated into Turkish by a sworn translator, besides these, documents about the relevant person’s identification and registry board, a petition which is including child’s name, can be mailed to the closest Turkish Consulate or Represent office. In this circumstance, signature of the declaring person is not required.
In case the declaration is made by mail, birth statement will be registered and signed by the officers.
Registration of the Birth into The Family Civil Registry Board
In case, the birth report would be sent to the relevant civil registry directorship from a Turkish Consulate / represent office, the registration will be made into family registration board according to the birth report.
Declaring Births in Abroad to Turkey
If the birth incident has not been reported because of several reasons such as there is no Turkish consulate in the proximity; you can complete your declaration process by sending the birth paper issued by the local official departments to the Civil Registry Directorship. But those foreign documents should be translated by the sworn translator into Turkish.
If the document which is issued by a foreign institution is under international act that Turkey is part of it, and it is multilingual document, you do not need to get it translated it into Turkish.
If the person is not able to submit any document, his/her testify will be counted as base for the registry.
Ofis Translation Services, can help you for all kinds of translation needs. Official departments will request notary certified translation during the official process. Ofis Translation Sevices will be there for you.
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