Turkish Citizenship Process
1- To apply Turkish Citizenship, I need to learn about requirements mentioned in 5901 Serial Numbered Turkish Citizenship Law, how can I find it?
Requirements mentioned in the relevant law can found in the link: www.nvi.gov.tr
2- I want to apply for The Turkish Citizenship. Where do I have to visit?
If you are residing in Turkey, you can apply the City Governorship, if you are living out of Turkey, you apply Turkish Consulate / represent office in person (or a legal represent). In-mail applications will not be accepted.
3- Can I track my application documents whether they are gone to the Civil Registration and Population General Directorship?
You may have further information from the Public Relations Branch department in Civil Registry General Directorship.
4- Can I learn my citizenship application file number?
You may have further information from the Public Relations Branch department in Civil Registry General Directorship.
5- I have already applied to Turkish Citizenship, how can I track the status of my application.
You can follow your application status by entering your file number or identity information in to this web site www.nvi.gov.tr
6- How long does it take to earn Turkish Citizenship?
If you submit all required documents on time, you process will be finished in a regular time. However, if there is missing document or information about you or your process, finishing term depends how soon you will submit those missing information.
7- Can I have the notification about the finishing the citizenship application process by visiting in person?
You will be informed after your process is complete by the application office.
8- Which documents are required for earning/losing Turkish citizenship by right based on law or by right to choose?
You can get information from this link Citizenship Services
9- Is it possible to earn Turkish citizenship bound to a parent holdin Turkish citizenship?
Due to the Turkish Citizenship Law's article 403, persons who is child of a Turkish mother or father earns Turkish Citizenship right. Upon their application, if it is proven that one of their parents are Turkish Citizen, they earn Turkish Citizenship. If their application is complete and there is no missing document, application process will be complete in a reasonable period of time. Otherwise, missing documents will be requested from the relevant institutions and official departments therefore process time takes longer.
10- Is it possible to earn Turkish Citizenship by means of a marriage with a Turkish Citizen?
Foreigners who are married with a Turkish Citizen for 3 years, and their marriage still continues, have right to apply for the Turkish Citizenship. Upon the application, there will be an investigation and finally eligible persons earn Turkish Citizenship. If they are not eligible, the application will be refused.
11- Is it possible to hold dual citizenship while one of them is already Turkish Citizenship?
Upon your application, in case you meet the requirements of holding a foreign citizenship, you would be given permission to hold a foreign citizenship as long as you hold your Turkish Citizenship.
12- Which documents are required for the Turkish Citizenship application?
You may have information from this link: Earning Turkish Citizenship
13- The status of the children less than 18 but they will be adult during the application waiting time.
Children under 18, who are investigated with the tie to their parents, must be declared to the Civil Registry Directorship in case they turn to 18 so as to open a citizenship file in their own name.
14- What can I do to complete the application process in a reasonable time?
You need to send notifications after your application date about address change, resident permit renewal, birth of a child. Those notifications should include a petition, copy of your document.
15- My Citizenship application refused. Can I re-apply again?
You can apply again by visiting the City Governorship where you live due to the 5901 serial numbered Turkish Citizenship Law.
16- To gain Turkish Citizenship again where do I have to apply and which documents do I need?
Person, who wants to re-apply to the Turkish Citizenship, must apply to the City Governorship where they live. If persons live out side of Turkey, they must apply to the Turkish consulates or represent offices by visiting in person. Then, his file should be sent to our ministry.
Person, who wants their Turkish Citizenship back, should prepare a file including the documents below:
a) Petition to express your request.
b) Civil registry sample taken from the registry system by the department you applied.
c) A document such as passport or etc. which is showing person’s originality. If the person is stateless, he/she should submit any similar document that could be found.
d) A document representing the person’s martial status.
e) A document about the change in the person’s martial status after he/she loses the Turkish citizenship.
f) If the person is married, a civil registry sample or similar document which is showing the person’s spouse and children’s family ties.
g) If there is change in the personal information, a document showing those changes.
h) A receipt proving the service fee is already paid.
17- To earn Turkish citizenship how long do I need to live in Turkey? During this process, how long can I stay out of Turkey?
You are required to reside in Turkey with no interference due to the 5901 Serial Numbered Turkish Citizenship Law’s article 11 and article (b) of the Guideline about application of this law. However, residence term for the Turkish origin foreigners is being applied as two years until 31 December 2010. If there is interference more than 6 months during this term, residence term is cut.
18- How do I apply to earn Turkish Citizenship in a special condition?
5901 serial numbered Turkish Citizenship Law’s article 12 is about earning Turkish Citizenship exceptionally. In the said article, the application process of exceptional Turkish Citizenship is not arranged specially.
19- What is reason for refusal of foreigners who applied for Turkish Citizenship and already residing in Turkey for study, temporary residence, tourism, company to their child, immigration purposes?
5901 serial numbered Turkish Citizenship Law’s article 11 and row c of part 2nd of article 12 about the implementation this law, says the application of persons “with no official residential address; or legal but do not show intention of staying in Turkey; or is not accepted and this written notification” is sent to this person. Following person’s application will not be accepted: refugees, students, tourists, accompany of a student, patient, foreign mission personnel who are bound to a residential address with such a reason: receiving identification card. And they will be notified with written corresponding. To be able to apply for a citizenship, first of all, reason for residential permit should be changed (residential, work, accompany next to Turkish parents and etc.). In case of the change of the reason for residential permit, previous stays gets included into the residential term (except visit as tourist).
20- Where do I get the resident permit?
You can have your resident permit from the City Central Police Station where you reside, or Security General Directorship in Ankara.
21- How do I receive the name equivalency document?
If persons who demand equivalency document do not carry their former name on the civil registry board, they should submit their signed petitions to the General Directorship. If they have immigration document, they should add one of the sample to their petition.
22- Is it possible to have Turkish Citizenship again after being dismissed from it?
A person, who is expelled from the Turkish Citizenship, could be accepted into the Turkish Citizenship again due to the 5901 serial numbered Turkish Citizenship Law’s article 13 and 14.
23- Can I use my blue card as a Turkish ID?
Blue Card can not be used as if it is a Turkish ID, passport or ID card. Upon the request of the institutions it should be submitted along with the foreign ID card.
24- My surname has changed, how can I make this change on my blue card?
For the person (and his/her children processed together in the past) who has Turkish Citizenship from the birth, later lost his/her citizenship with an citizenship dropping permission, a blue card can be arranged based on the civil registries. Changes in the personal information after dropping Turkish citizenship are ignored.
www.ofistercume.com will assist you during this process when you need sworn translator for your documents taken from your original country.
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