23 Kasım 2010 Salı

Civil Registry Correction and Change

Registration Correction


This is a correction or change of registration of a person located in the family registry board.

Declaration Liability and Term

The court order for this registry change should be sent to the county civil registration directorship by the chief clerk in 10 days after the court verdict date.

Method and Authorized Court

If there is no solid mistake during transferring the information in the base documents to the family registry board; any change or correction in the registry board of a family, can only be with the proper court verdict due to the Turkish Civil Registry Law’s 39th article.

Registry correction lawsuit about a single article can only be applied once.
The authorized court is the court of first instance in where the relevant person resides.
Religious section on the ID is registered, changed, erased or left empty due to the written demand of the family. Number of change in the religious section is not limited.

If an age correction is required because of a criminal court, the main court has authority over this change.

Authority to Bring an Action

Lawsuits about the civil registry correction will be held in the civil courts of general jurisdiction in where the residential address located by the Republic Prosecutors. In the Civil Registry Correction lawsuits, Republic Prosecutor and Civil Registry Director or an officer assigned by the Director will be ready and the verdict issued before them.

Appellation of a Verdict

General Directorship and Civil Registry Directorships are authorized to take all legal actions about the court verdicts.

All verdicts which are to be appellated must be submitted to the Republic Prosecutorship.

Principles of Registration of The Verdicts About Registry Correction

Principals about registration of correction verdict are shown below:

  1. If the man is changing his surname; without looking for an explanation in the verdict, his wife, his children under 18 and his surname will be changed or corrected.
  2. If the woman is changing her surname; her children who are out of a marriage and her surname will be changed or corrected in the same name.
  3. If the person who get corrected his/her name, has children; their names also get corrected or changed without looking for a court verdict.
    If the children had gone from the registry for any reason before the change, the required correction in the children’s registry will be made by the authorizing civil registry directorship to the registry board that the children is in currently.
  4. If the person who is correcting his birth date, name, surname is already in his age suitable for serving military duty; all changes will be submitted to the local military recruitment office.
  5. Changing the birth date with the court order;
    • Old day and month is registered with the new specified year by the relevant court if day and month information is saved or is not taken into consideration to change,
    • If birth date is registered in the family board with no month and day information, it is possible to add day and month information due to the Civil Service Law’s article 39.
  6. In the gender lawsuits, requirements will be taken into consideration in the Civil Law’s article 40.

Registration of Correction Verdict

The two registry correction copies sent by the court clerk should be registered into the family board.

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